West Yorkshire Cameras

About This Project

Yep, that’s right – all we sell is analogue equipment. It might seem strange if you’re not a photography enthusiast and love the convenience of digital cameras, but a large proportion of photographers still use film. Why shoot film, you ask? Plenty of people will provide a gibberish answer to the question – but these days I genuinely think that a lot of people are fed up of looking at a screen constantly. Go to work, stare at the computer. Get on the bus, stare at your phone. Get home, stare at the TV. Instead, go take some photos, look at the world around you, and don’t have yet another screen in the way. Make something tactile and real. Yes it’s more expensive, yes it’s less convenient, but somehow, it is still going strong. Okay, it’s easy to admit that there’s no logical need for analogue photography, but the feeling of making something you can hold in your hand is very appealing.

Don’t get us wrong, digital has its place in the modern world so if you don’t shoot film, we might still stock something for you. Lots of our lenses and accessories can be used natively on modern cameras, or easily adapted. For four years the shop was co-owned with the previous business partner who some of you may know, Tom. But even as Howard is now the sole proprietor of the business, West Yorkshire Cameras is going from strength to strength and has grown to become an anchor of the Analogue community.


0113 2460868
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter - @wycameras

Opening Hours

Monday -10-5.30
Tuesday - 10-5.30
Wednesday - 10-5.30
Thursday - 12-7
Friday - 10-5.30
Saturday - 10-5.30
Sunday - closed
